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60” - Channel 4

Director: Jenny Ash

Sugar Films

This one off, 60 minute documentary, Angry, White & America is a political road trip presented by Gary Younge. Younge is no stranger to American politics having lived in America and covering American politics as Editor at Large at the Guardian. The film is a personal journey for Gary who examines the psychological state of white America and the problems they face. His encounter with white supremacist Richard Spencer went viral on social media with over 10 million hits before the film even aired, you can view it here.


THE GUARDIAN -“An unflinching look at American despair and racial hatred. As nationalism and bigotry increase, Gary Younge’s documentary examines the fractured psyche of white America with grace and insight…a thoughtful, generous-hearted documentary.”

THE FINANCIAL TIMES -Gary Younge does not lack guts. The British journalist has reported from the US for 12 years and has “never seen it this bad”, with one community in particular suffering from existential despair, a drug crisis, radical lack of self-esteem and a loss of identity.”

THE OBSERVER - “Gary Younge takes the US’s raging temperature and finds little cause for optimism. From preposterous white supremacist Richard Spencer to the despondent residents of the rust belt, Younge imbibes a toxic cocktail of identity crisis, economic decline, confusion about the past and dread of the future. Essential viewing”

THE HUFFPOST -White supremacist Richard Spencer comes off looking like a supreme idiot during an interview with a black British journalist. He tries to explain why slavery was good and fails miserably.”

